Our removalists can move office equipment.

Office Move

plan, prepare and execute

When moving an office, its always best to be well prepared. This makes the relocation run smoothly and allows staff to continue work as normal. Our checklist allows staff to know what stage of the relocation they are currently and how they should pack.

An office inspection is an mandatory for the team to know exact truck size and number of staff required for the day

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voip phone service

Moving to your new office can have its perks. Clear out old phones or processes and introduce a new system to freshen up the place. Voiceflow delivers a fully-managed voip phone system.

From your mobile, tablet, laptop or desk phone, Voiceflow system ensures you stay connected to your team anywhere in the world. We make it easy to set up devices for remote work. Simple as download an app, enter your account information, and you’re ready to get in touch with your team again.


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