We are always here to help you move

Using our plastic packing boxes is a great measure for Covid safety plan.


What We Will Do:

Practise of good hygiene, regular use of hand sanitiser.

Disinfecting our trucks and equipment .

Each team member will take their temperature prior to your job.

What You Can Do:

Consider using our Eco Tubs and avoid having too many loose items.

If you are able to do so, have the majority of items to be moved placed into one room.

Have items labelled with the room they are to be put into at the drop-off address.

It is very important to let us know before your move if anyone in your house or a close contact is unwell.



What We Will Do:

Practise of good hygiene, regular use of hand sanitiser.

All staff have been trained in contactless pickups and deliveries (where possible) and are aware of Social Distancing requirements.

What You Can Do:

Where possible within the workplace, customers to maintain physical distancing of 1.5 metres.

Enhance airflow by opening windows and doors.


What We Will Do:

We frequently and regularly clean and disinfect shared spaces, including our trucks and equipment.

What You Can Do:

Please, contact us if anyone in your household becomes unwell.


1300 75 33 34

Moving? #WeJustDid